I’m a member of Pembrokeshire
County Council representing the
East Williamston electoral division
as an independent councillor.
County Council representing the
East Williamston electoral division
as an independent councillor.
That’s ‘independent’ of the
dictionary variety — I’m not
affiliated to any political party or
group, also known as ‘unaffiliated.’
I find this website is a useful way of
informing my constituents and Pembrokeshire residents
about what goes on in their name.
As well as outlining my involvement at County Hall, my blog
allows me to shed light on important issues and uncover the
sort of shady shenanigans that tend not to excite the
mainstream media.
There are no sacred cows on jacobwilliams.com and I allow
reader-comments on all of my articles.
If you have any issues or causes you’d like me to get
involved with then please get in touch with me.